I have just started work on our next project. Don't worry if you haven't finished your blanket as the squares will stay on my blog for at least 12 months.
See you here on Sunday 24th for the first part of your new project.
Hi you start with square 1 in the centre then sew a square to each side of this square. You then fill in the 4 corner gaps. You now have your first round. You then continue sewing the squares around this larger square. You will notice on my blanket I added a round of plain number 1 squares between my rounds. If you look on Facebook we have a group called Carona Blanket Knit - a- long.
Michelle Burt
May 25, 2020
Hi - what about joining squares together? Sorry have just seen this and think it is very cool :)
Hi you start with square 1 in the centre then sew a square to each side of this square. You then fill in the 4 corner gaps. You now have your first round. You then continue sewing the squares around this larger square. You will notice on my blanket I added a round of plain number 1 squares between my rounds. If you look on Facebook we have a group called Carona Blanket Knit - a- long.
Hi - what about joining squares together? Sorry have just seen this and think it is very cool :)