Strip 4 is a nice firm strip for adding between two lace strips.
Cast on 36 stitches.
knit 4 rows base (once only)
Row 1 - knit
Row 2 - k3, *k1,p4* repeat *-* until the last 3 stitches, k3
Row 3 - k3, *k3,p2* repeat *-* until the last 3 stitches k3
Row 4 - k3, *k3,p2* repeat *-* until the last 3 stitches k3
Row 5 - k3, *k1,p4* repeat *-* until last 3 stitches, k3
Row 6 - knit
Repeat these 6 rows until work measures 40" or required length
knit 3 rows - cast off